
Rolling Restarts Second Life Main Channel

May 19, 11:40 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 19, 03:01 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 15, 10:41 PDTScheduled - We are performing rolling restar...

Phone Support Maintenance

May 16, 12:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 16, 09:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 16, 08:42 PDTScheduled - Phone support will be unavailabl...

Limited availability of new Regions

Nov 3, 12:33 PSTResolved - In light of more regions being moved to the cloud, we are pleased to announce that we are ready to begin offering new private region purchases in limited quantities. As we continue to uplift more of the grid, more regions w...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

May 14, 15:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 14, 12:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 14, 08:21 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Unscheduled Destination Guide Maintenance

May 13, 13:22 PDTResolved - This incident has been resolved.May 13, 10:52 PDTInvestigating - We are currently undergoing an unscheduled maintenance on our Destination Guide at this time. While this is occurring, Residents may not be able to load the D...

Rolling Restarts Second Life RC Channels

May 13, 15:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 13, 07:01 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 12, 10:03 PDTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...

Group Notice Timestamps Incorrect

May 26, 13:08 PDTResolved - The issue has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience!May 12, 17:16 PDTIdentified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.May 12, 17:16 PDTInvestigating - We are aware of an issue with Group N...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 5月13日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の放送が今回たどり着いた場所は放送日の22:00と...

Rolling Restarts Second Life Main Channel

May 12, 13:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 12, 03:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 11, 09:41 PDTScheduled - We are performing rolling restar...

Unscheduled Support Maintenance

May 11, 14:53 PDTResolved - This incident has been resolved.May 11, 14:22 PDTInvestigating - We are currently undergoing unscheduled maintenance to our Support pages at this time. While this is occurring, ticket submissions and Live Chat are not avail...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

May 10, 11:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 10, 10:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 10, 06:05 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

May 7, 14:30 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 7, 13:30 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 7, 11:08 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Experience Creation Issues

May 20, 13:46 PDTResolved - This incident has been resolved.May 19, 12:09 PDTMonitoring - The issue has been resolved on most of the Second Life grid. The RC roll tomorrow will completely resolve this issue.May 7, 10:02 PDTInvestigating - We are cur...

Scheduled Billing Maintenance

May 7, 07:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 7, 02:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 6, 12:33 PDTScheduled - We will be performing maintenanc...

Rolling Restarts Second Life RC Channels

May 6, 12:48 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 6, 07:01 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 4, 06:12 PDTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...

Scheduled Billing Maintenance

May 5, 11:30 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 5, 11:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 5, 05:47 PDTScheduled - We will be performing maintenanc...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 5月6日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の放送が今回たどり着いた場所は放送日の22:00と2...

Rolling Restarts Second Life Main Channel

May 5, 11:13 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 5, 03:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 4, 06:13 PDTScheduled - We are performing rolling restar...

Increased Ticket Volumes

Jul 31, 11:14 PDTResolved - Thank you for your patience! We're happy to report that wait times for most of our Support ticket types have improved to the point that we're marking this report as resolved. However, our Support department is still experie...

Scheduled Billing Maintenance

May 4, 10:30 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 4, 10:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 2, 06:11 PDTScheduled - We will be performing maintenanc...