
Partial Outage with Skrill

Jun 8, 15:18 PDTResolved - This issue has been resolved. If you continue to experience any trouble using a Skrill account to make purchases, please first remove and re-add the payment method at, or...

Unscheduled Live Chat Maintenance

Jun 4, 07:18 PDTResolved - This incident has been resolved and Live Chat is now accessible.Jun 4, 06:41 PDTInvestigating - We are aware of an issue with live chat support and we are currently investigating. Ticket submissions are still available dur...

Billing Phone Maintenance

THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Jun 3, 14:18 - 16:18 PDTMay 29, 14:20 PDTScheduled - Billing phone support will be unavailable on Wednesday, June 3rd from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM PST. Concierge phone support, live chat, and ticket submissions will still be avail...

Rolling Restarts Second Life Main Channel

Jun 3, 11:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Jun 3, 03:01 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Jun 1, 13:52 PDTScheduled - We are performing rolling restar...

Rolling Restarts Second Life RC Channels

Jun 2, 09:01 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Jun 2, 03:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Jun 1, 13:51 PDTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

Jun 1, 15:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Jun 1, 06:01 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 29, 14:39 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Some HTTPS requests from LSL scripts are failing

Jun 10, 07:31 PDTResolved - This incident has been resolved.Jun 3, 23:12 PDTMonitoring - The fix for this issue rolled out to the main channel this morning. If you're still having issues with HTTPS calls failing to your service from LSL, please see t...

Unscheduled Billing Maintenance

May 29, 13:48 PDTResolved - The billing maintenance has been resolved.May 29, 13:11 PDTInvestigating - We are currently seeing an increased load in our billing systems, and payment attempts will not complete for residents for a short period. Please wa...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

May 28, 14:30 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 28, 12:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 28, 09:56 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Rolling Restarts Second Life RC Channels

May 27, 14:07 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 27, 07:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 22, 15:11 PDTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...

Scheduled Billing Maintenance

May 26, 11:30 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 26, 10:30 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 25, 06:41 PDTScheduled - We will be performing maintenanc...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 5月27日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の放送が今回たどり着いた場所は放送日の22:00と...

Rolling Restarts Second Life Main Channel

May 26, 10:59 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 26, 03:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 22, 15:08 PDTScheduled - We are performing rolling restar...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

May 25, 15:00 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 25, 06:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 24, 10:52 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Login Trouble Surrounding Europe

May 23, 15:03 PDTResolved - This incident has been resolved.May 23, 13:10 PDTInvestigating - We are aware of connectivity issues with residents unable to login from the UK region. We are monitoring the issue and will update this blog as it develops. ...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

May 23, 12:01 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 23, 09:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 23, 06:05 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Phone and Live Chat Support Maintenance

May 21, 14:30 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 21, 13:30 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 21, 10:53 PDTScheduled - Phone and chat support will be u...

Rolling Restarts Second Life RC Channels

May 20, 13:16 PDTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.May 20, 07:00 PDTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.May 15, 10:43 PDTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...

Premium Stipends Delayed

May 19, 14:39 PDTResolved - Stipends have been paid. Thank you for your patience!May 19, 09:19 PDTInvestigating - We are aware the Stipends have been delayed for some Premium members. We are investigating and expect them to be paid out soon. Please mo...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 5月20日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の放送が今回たどり着いた場所は放送日の22:00と...