
Concierge Phone Support Unavailable

Feb 23, 12:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 23, 10:47 PSTUpdate - This maintenance has been extended to 12:00 PM SLTFeb 23, 09:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide update...

Second Life Marketplace and Billing Issues

Feb 23, 08:53 PSTResolved - This incident has been resolved.Feb 23, 08:33 PSTInvestigating - We are currently investigating issues regarding the delivery of Marketplace transactions as well as Linden Dollars purchased. Transactions made should appear ...

Concierge Phone Support and Live Chat Unavailable

Feb 21, 14:30 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 21, 13:30 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 21, 11:45 PSTScheduled - Concierge phone and chat support...

Scheduled Inventory Maintenance

Feb 21, 07:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 21, 05:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 15, 13:28 PSTScheduled - Second Life will be undergoing s...

Rolling Restarts RC Server Channel

Feb 20, 13:14 PSTResolved - This incident has been resolved.Feb 20, 07:20 PSTInvestigating - We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on the Magnum, LeTigre, Cake, and BlueSteel RC server channels beginning at approximately 7:00 AM PST today...

Rolling Restarts Second Life Main Server Channel

Feb 19, 16:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 19, 04:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 18, 09:44 PSTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 2月20日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。先月から放送曜日が変わりました。ご注意ください!土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の...

Live Support Unavailable

Feb 19, 06:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 18, 00:01 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 15, 13:42 PSTScheduled - Second Life phone and chat suppo...

Concierge Phone Support and Live Chat Unavailable

Feb 17, 11:04 PSTResolved - This incident has been resolved.Feb 17, 08:48 PSTInvestigating - Concierge phone and chat support will be unavailable from 10:00 AM PDT to 11:00 AM PDT today, February 17th, 2019. Ticket submissions will still be available ...

Scheduled Billing Maintenance

Feb 17, 14:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 17, 07:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 14, 08:45 PSTScheduled - We will be performing scheduled ...


あぐらさんのTwitterに反応してみた (;゚;ж;゚; ) ブッ今夜の2/17の21~22時やってるというので、これは参加しなければ!!カエル隊の名が廃る(ぇwというわけで、21:50インしてテレポート。すでにいるわいるわ個性のあるみなさまが ワ─+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+゚─イ♪ちゃんとしたスナップショットは、リアル展示を楽しみにして、こそこそとカエルも撮影♪立ち位置といい、これぞSecondlifeらしいのが撮れたwwwカエルの頭 on ターンテーブ


あぐらさんのTwitterに反応してみた (;゚;ж;゚; ) ブッ今夜の2/17の21~22時やってるというので、これは参加しなければ!!カエル隊の名が廃る(ぇwというわけで、21:50インしてテレポート。すでにいるわいるわ個性のあるみなさまが ワ─+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+゚─イ♪ちゃんとしたスナップショットは、リアル展示を楽しみにして、こそこそとカエルも撮影♪立ち位置といい、これぞSecondlifeらしいのが撮れたwwwカエルの頭 on ターンテーブ

Concierge Phone Support Unavailable

Feb 16, 12:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 16, 10:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 16, 09:48 PSTScheduled - Concierge phone support will be ...

Concierge Phone Support and Live Chat Unavailable

Feb 14, 14:30 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 14, 13:30 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 14, 11:39 PSTScheduled - Concierge phone and chat support...

Continued Rolling Restarts RC Server Channel

Feb 13, 12:10 PSTResolved - This maintenance is now complete.Feb 13, 11:22 PSTInvestigating - We are extending scheduled maintenance for Magnum, LeTigre, Cake, and BlueSteel RC server channels. As this maintenance continues, please refrain from rezzin...

Rolling Restarts RC Server Channel

Feb 13, 13:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 13, 07:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 13, 06:14 PSTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 2月13日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。先月から放送曜日が変わりました。ご注意ください!土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の...

Second Life Maintenance

Feb 9, 14:48 PSTResolved - This incident has been resolved.Feb 9, 13:06 PSTIdentified - Our engineers are still working hard on this issue. We're sorry for the inconvenience, and we thank you for your patience.Feb 9, 08:06 PSTUpdate - Thank you for...

Second Life Service Issues

Feb 8, 20:42 PSTResolved - This incident has been resolved.Feb 8, 17:48 PSTInvestigating - Some Second Life services are currently experiencing an outage. During this time, some Second Life services may be unavailable including, but not limited to: ...

Unscheduled Maintenance

Feb 8, 16:30 PSTResolved - We have completed the unscheduled maintenance. Thank you for your patience during this time.Feb 8, 14:08 PSTInvestigating - We are currently undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time, some residents may experien...