
Billing Maintenance

Mar 7, 10:57 PSTResolved - The maintenance is complete.Mar 7, 10:35 PSTInvestigating - We are currently performing maintenance on our billing systems. During this maintenance, some billing services may be unavailable. Please watch this blog for upda...

Scheduled Inventory Maintenance

Mar 7, 07:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Mar 7, 05:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Mar 6, 10:28 PSTScheduled - Second Life will be undergoing s...

Scheduled Billing Maintenance

Mar 6, 12:15 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Mar 6, 10:30 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Mar 6, 09:40 PSTScheduled - We will be performing scheduled ...

Rolling Restarts RC Server Channel

Mar 6, 08:02 PSTCompleted - This scheduled maintenance is now complete.Mar 6, 07:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Mar 6, 05:58 PSTScheduled - We will be performing rolling rest...

Scheduled Inventory Maintenance

Mar 6, 07:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Mar 6, 05:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Mar 5, 12:53 PSTScheduled - Second Life will be undergoing s...


毎週火曜日に放送しております流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」3月6日の放送はKOTESU体調不良のため、お休みとさせていただきます。ご了承ください。なお、次回3月13日の放送は行う予定です。番組内ででかけてほしいリクエスト曲、告知してほしい情報、などなどございましたら、KOTETSU Blackbart宛にノートカードをお送りください。「Oh!バッカーノ!」は皆様の視聴と投稿によって支えられています。投稿をお待ちしております。土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,...

Scheduled Inventory Maintenance

THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Mar 4, 05:00 - 06:00 PSTFeb 27, 14:24 PSTScheduled - Second Life will be undergoing scheduled inventory maintenance from 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM PST on March 4th, 2019. During this time, residents may have issues with any inventor...

Concierge Phone Support Unavailable

Mar 2, 11:01 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Mar 2, 09:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Mar 2, 08:53 PSTScheduled - Concierge phone support will be ...


海は広いな、大きいな~~~っ♪いや、そこシムのはじっこ・・・。 (;゚;ж;゚; ) ブッって陸地はダメでしょ!!w誰かんちのプライベートビーチもダメでしょ!!wふぁ?!木にひっかかって!セキュリティが警告してる!!!うひ~~~~~~~っ (・ω・ ;)(; ・ω・)ほぉら、やっぱり!!BAN!BAN!BAN! (≧∇≦)アハハ!!こんなにゴールが近いのにwwなんのことはない!スタートさえきれなかったのだからwwwwwwwwww息の合わない3人であ


海は広いな、大きいな~~~っ♪いや、そこシムのはじっこ・・・。 (;゚;ж;゚; ) ブッって陸地はダメでしょ!!w誰かんちのプライベートビーチもダメでしょ!!wふぁ?!木にひっかかって!セキュリティが警告してる!!!うひ~~~~~~~っ (・ω・ ;)(; ・ω・)ほぉら、やっぱり!!BAN!BAN!BAN! (≧∇≦)アハハ!!こんなにゴールが近いのにwwなんのことはない!スタートさえきれなかったのだからwwwwwwwwww息の合わない3人であ

Concierge Phone Support and Live Chat Unavailable

Feb 28, 14:30 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 28, 13:30 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 28, 11:42 PSTScheduled - Concierge phone and chat support...

Rolling Restarts RC Server Channel

Feb 28, 09:43 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 28, 07:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 28, 06:07 PSTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...

Rolling Restarts RC Server Channel

Feb 27, 12:01 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 27, 07:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 26, 12:51 PSTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 2月27日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。先月から放送曜日が変わりました。ご注意ください!土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の...


誰が言ったか知らないが、流浪の番組「Oh!バッカーノ!」の告知です。さて、今回の放送は、 2月27日(水曜日)の22時30分からです。先月から放送曜日が変わりました。ご注意ください!土地の音楽設定からお聴きの場合は以下のURLからどうぞ。  WinAMP,i-Tunesなど外部プレーヤー等でも同じURLから視聴可能です。ブログの左にあるV-RAVE RADIO PLAYERならPCやスマホからもお聴きいただけます♪Ch1 :流浪の...

Rolling Restarts Second Life Main Server Channel

Feb 26, 12:01 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 26, 04:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 25, 14:04 PSTScheduled - We will be performing rolling re...

Second Life Community Pages

Feb 25, 15:42 PSTResolved - We have completed the unscheduled maintenance on the Second Life Community pages. Thank you for your patience during this time.Feb 25, 11:05 PSTInvestigating - We are currently performing unscheduled maintenance on the Seco...

Concierge Phone Support and Live Chat Unavailable

Feb 24, 15:00 PSTCompleted - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.Feb 24, 06:00 PSTIn progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.Feb 24, 05:59 PSTScheduled - Concierge phone and chat support...